Specific policy – Sickness and Exclusion at HIK

Illness and School Exclusion Times at HIK  

Types of illnessRequested period to be kept away from our school
ChickenpoxFive days from the start of skin eruption
ConjunctivitisExclude until discharge from eyes has stopped (unless doctor has diagnosed non-infectious conjunctivitis)
Cryptosporidiosis (the infection in humans and animals with Cryptosporidium spp., which are protozoan, obligate intracellular parasites)48 hours from the last episode of diarrhoea
Diarrhoea and/or vomiting48 hours from last episode of diarrhoea or vomiting
Diphtheria (an acute upper respiratory tract infection, but sometimes it infects the skin)
Exclusion until medical certificate of recovery is received following at least two negative throat swabs (the first not less than 24 hours after finishing a course of antibiotics and the next 48 hours later)
E. coli O157
VTEC (a bacterium (germ)Typhoid [and paratyphoid] (enteric fever)
48 hours from the last episode of diarrhoea
Until approval return has been given by the child’s doctor
Food poisoningExclude until well – no vomiting or diarrhoea for 24 hours
German measles (rubella)*Six days from onset of rash
Hand, foot and mouthThree to five days OR until all blisters are dry
Hepatitis A*Exclude until seven days after onset of jaundice (or seven days after symptom onset if no jaundice)
Impetigo (a highly contagious skin infection which causes sores and blisters. It’s very common and affects mainly children)Until lesions are crusted and healed, OR
48 hours after commencing antibiotic treatment
Influenza and influenza-like illnessesExclude until well
LeprosyExclude until approval to return has been given by an appropriate health authority
MeaslesFour days from onset of rash
Meningitis due to other bacteriaUntil recovered
Meningococcal meningitis*/ septicaemia* (a bacterial form of meningitis, a serious infection of the thin lining that surrounds the brain and spinal cord)Until recovered
MumpsExclude child for nine days after onset of swelling
Exclude until the day after appropriate treatment has commenced
Exclude if diarrhoea present
Scabies (a contagious skin condition caused by tiny mites which burrow into the skin = benh ghe)Child can return after first treatment
Scarlet fever (a bacterial illness that causes a distinctive pink-red rash)
Streptococcal sore throat (including scarlet fever)
Child can return 24 hours after commencing appropriate antibiotic treatment
Shingles (an infection of a nerve area caused by the varicella-zoster virus. It causes pain and a rash along a band of skin supplied by the affected nerve)Exclude only if rash is weeping and cannot be covered
TuberculosisUntil medical certificate is produced from appropriate health authority
Whooping cough (pertussis)Until 5 days after starting antibiotic treatment, or for 21 days from the onset of coughing

Source: Health Protection Agency and various British kindergartens and nurseries